Why bother with Theological Education?: The Best Possible Gift

Full-time theological education is a costly thing. Costly because it will often mean a geographical switch, including moving house and saying goodbye to much-loved friends and family. Costly because it will probably mean leaving behind the particular church you were involved with and at least pressing pause on the ministry opportunities you were part of there. Costly because it literally costs money, … More Why bother with Theological Education?: The Best Possible Gift

Beeching on Bodies (or What on Earth has my Dissertation got to do with anything?)

A few mates have been asking me how my MA dissertation has been going so far. This is a fair question given some of them have kindly given their well-earned dosh to support this final year of my training at theological college. To give a brief taster of some of the issues, I thought I’d point you to an … More Beeching on Bodies (or What on Earth has my Dissertation got to do with anything?)

You worship a sheep?!

The concept of a God being worshipped for dying on a cross has always been mocked. In our Growth Groups this year we’ve been journeying through 1 Corinthians, and there Paul begins by acknowledging that the world will always see the ‘word of the cross’ as foolishness and weakness, whether it be looking for religious … More You worship a sheep?!