Paul Tripp & the Heart

I’ve spoken to many people who were really grateful for Paul Tripp’s teaching at New Word Alive 2012, a fortnight ago, on ‘Marriage is a matter of the heart’. My wife was one of them (I was elsewhere on site, enjoying the Bible Overview track), and it’s been great to chat together about what Paul said since. The talks are now available for download or CD purchase here, which I intend on making the most of soon. Others have been expressing thanks for his teaching on the blogosphere.

God seems to have used Paul’s teaching of the Scriptures to particularly focus us on our hearts, rather than merely externals, and apply the gospel of Jesus into them. Not only that but he has a terrific moustache, and a great sense of humour.

Here is a fresh and challenging article by the Trippster over at the Gospel Coalition blog, exemplifying his heart-focus, on The Recipe for a Successful Pastor.

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